At INNOVATION Insights…We transform our clients' career journeys through the art of storytelling via our consulting, coaching, and career management services.

Hello, Innovators!
I am Eulanda, the introverted and determined GenX founder of INNOVATION Insights. Despite thriving in a career that demands I be social, I still sneak away to recharge in silence, much to the surprise of colleagues and former students who have seen me in full networking swing.
I have been hanging around social media since the days of MySpace. Do you remember when we thought animated glitter backgrounds were cool? Okay, I still think they are cool!
Venturing into the social media realm, seemingly crafted by and for extroverts, has been like trying to fit my big '90s hair under a bucket hat. At first, I wondered if an introvert like me could make an impact. Luckily, after 15 months, INNOVATION Insights has created its unique path on the digital highway.
Authenticity has been our guide. Right from the start, I committed to being open about my love for contemplative moments, deep research, and, yes, football (go Broncos!). This genuine approach has resonated with many who felt drowned out by louder voices.

Tech-savviness is my secret playlist. Intriguingly, my early tech encounters stemmed from my mother’s role in rallying our elementary school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to fundraise for computers in the late '70s. However, as I was not seen as one of the "talented and gifted" students, I was not allowed to use these school computers; fortunately, my family had the means to get a home computer in the '70s. Thanks to my mom's foresight, I got a head start, tinkering away in our kitchen, where the computer sat on top of our avocado green dishwasher. That early tech fluency has been important in my career. It now helps me juggle INNOVATION Insights across numerous platforms and all digital stages—LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and even TikTok.
Engagement is not about being the loudest in the virtual room. It is about creating value, sharing meaningful insights, and forging genuine connections. Each interaction is as thoughtful as our podcasts, webinars, and workshops. Our community appreciates this sincerity, seeking the type of engagement that respects their desire for depth.
Storytelling is another major track in our lineup. My career has been dedicated to helping others (living legends and unsung heroes) share their journeys. INNOVATION Insights is our stage to spotlight our community’s narratives.
So here I am, a shy introvert at the helm of INNOVATION Insights, navigating the vibrant world of social media with my big ‘90s hair. This journey has been about embracing my nature while gently pushing my boundaries. And for all the introverts contemplating their next big move, remember: your quiet strengths are your superpowers in this noisy world.
Embrace them, innovate, and perhaps you will share your chronicles as a social media influencer, leading with quiet confidence and a sprinkle of innovative flair.
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